Monday, April 8, 2013

CBS Trip to Berlin

I'm working on finishing up my Barcelona post. In the meantime, here are some quick notes I took on my phone on the way to Berlin from Copenhagen.

Missed 6am bus. Alarm didn't go off. My phone died in the middle of the night. Rush packed a bag and tried to make 11am bus. Saw bus leaving as I got there. Got 11:44 train from Copenhagen to Berlin. Change in Hamburg. Should arrive in berlin at 18:34. Already paid for the trip so I might as well try to catch up. Train is very crowded. Will try to get to hostel and meet group in time for dinner. Traveling adventure with high stakes because I have no idea where I'm going in berlin and I have to find the group and hostel by 19:30 when they leave for dinner (that I prepaid for) otherwise I'm totally screwed and alone in berlin ha. Soundtrack is a reggae mix from my iPod genius. I like traveling by train.  Get to chill and listen to music. More room than a plane and more relaxed. Get to see the countryside and different areas that you don't see when flying. Countryside of Denmark looks a lot like wisconsin. Rolling farmland. Difference is architecture of the houses, windmills everywhere, and the fact that it's europe and a high speed train runs through it.

The train drove onto a ferry! I didn't think a train could go into a boat. Everyone got off the train and went up to the dining area of the ferry which is really big. Has a restaurant and play area for kids. They had a food court area on the ferry. Ate fries and two hot dogs. I need to stop eating hot dogs.

Speeds: 175km/hr top so far. That's a bit over 100mph.


I ended up making it to Berlin and finding the hostel just in time to meet up with the group from CBS for dinner at  HOFBRÄUHAUS a big beer hall. The rest of the weekend was great. We went to a club on Friday. Saturday we had a walking tour of Berlin with an awesome guide that gave us a lot of cool information. Saturday night we went to another cool club. On Sunday we took the bus back to Copenhagen. On the way back we stopped at the Sachsenhausen Memorial, a concentration camp just outside of Berlin. I highly recommend anyone that has the chance to go to a concentration camp. It is so hard to wrap your head around the holocaust and going to a memorial helps put things in perspective and show you just how terrible and how large of an operation it really was. It is also a reminder of never to let something like that happen again. We made it back to Copenhagen by around 22:00 on Sunday night.

Ferry across the Baltic Sea.
A train on a boat?!
Hamburg Central Station

Dinner at Haufbrauhaus.

The restaurant on Friday.
Adios Amigos

Holocaust Memorial Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie

Berlin Wall

At the Brandenburg Gate.

"Work will set you free." At the gate to Sachsenhausen.
Station A. The entrance to Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Our bus. Double decker.
Chillin on the bus.